Our Partners


Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our community’s needs during this COVID-19 health crisis. Your generous donation will fund our mission and bring food and supplies to elders and families in McKinley County.

Total Fundraised with PayPal

*Updated 2/17/2021

Online via Paypal:

Mail Checks to:

Indigenous Lifeways
#259 2418 E. Historic Hwy 66
Gallup, NM 87301

100% of funds are being used for materials and gas money.
0% overhead — all volunteer!

MMA Fundraising Highlights

Raised over $305,364.82 in Grants and Private Donors
Over 300 individuals have donated to our Paypal fundraiser which totals to OVER 89K!!!!
$40k grant to create a Community Covid-19 Gap Analysis and help MMA with organizational development.
20k Cliff Bars.
Received a few truckloads of donations! Thank you to everyone involved for helping our unsheltered relatives and families on Navajo and Zuni Reservations!
• 12 boxes – 12 count ct of Tanka Bars
• 3,660+ masks



Partner Highlights

• Collaborated with Strengthening Nations and the United Methodist Church of Gallup to utilize their church as a distribution and storage center.
• Partnered with First Born, Growing in Beauty and Avenues Early Childhood, Navajo Nation WIC (Crownpoint and Gallup Offices) to distribute baby supplies to families.
At our peak, McKinley Mutual Aid produces 250 40-lb food boxes per week, designed to feed a family for approximately 5+ days. World Central Kitchen matched MMA production by supplying 200 produce and 200 dry food item boxes every week, which MMA then distributes to communities most in need from June- August 2020.
8K worth of First Aid Kits donated by NMSJEI.